Are you f***ing serious???

Girls Eating Sandwiches-philia
June 8, 2009, 14:47
Filed under: Food, Kinky, Pictures, Unworthy Tribute Pages | Tags:

bltsandwichWe know that there are fetishes for everything. Eyeball licking – check! Being dressed as a baby complete with diaper and playpen – check! But who knew that there was a calling for pictures of girls eating sandwiches? We’re thinking we will be noshing in private from now on.

Who wants to be pub quiz champ?

Pub_Quiz_LogoWell, you might develop a severe case of carpal tunnel but you will also be crowned Pub Quiz Champion thanks to this site, that offers a plethora of useless of information. Who knew that squirrels didn’t take up residence in Nantucket until 1989? You never know where that little tidbit might come in handy.